Those who said ‘Laughter is the best medicine ’ were right all along. Laughing is one of the best natural stress relievers science knows of today. Laughter therapy can add years to your life. Making the best of the LOL (Laughing Out Loud) moments in one’s life can help you live longer, especially if you are a woman, as per a new Norwegian study.



The concept behind using laughter as therapy lies in the fact that it helps reduce stress, promotes relaxation and improves one’s quality of life. Increasingly, many hospitals and health care centers use the media of tapes, films, books or conduct humor workshops to alleviate the sufferings of the patient.


The benefits of laughing and smiling are seen to improve the physical mental and social aspects of an individual. Here are 10 benefits of laughter:

  1. It helps boost immunity
  2. Lowers stress hormones
  3. Relaxes muscles
  4. Improves heart rate
  5. Laughter reduces stress and anxiety
  6. Strengthens relationships
  7. Promotes bonding
  8. Enhances resilience
  9. Adds joys and years to life
  10. Enhances creativity and problem-solving skills

When women see the funnier side of things, they live longer keeping illnesses like cardiovascular ailments and other infections at bay, the 15-yr study concluded. Over 50, 000 people , men and women were studied to identify the co-relation between humor and stress and have found out that 48% women who were jovial lowered their mortality rate and 83% lower risk of infection. In men, the risk of death was by 74%. The findings positively stress that, humor is the best stress reliever ever. 15 minutes of laughter therapy each day can do wonders that a chocolate bar cant.

Here’s a video from WebMD explaining the benefits of laughter.

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