It’s already past dinner time and you hear that familiar growl in the pit of the stomach asking you for some quick snacks and all you are worried about is the tipping weighing scales this festive season. We have all been there. What is the best way to satisfy that craving without piling kilos? Here are 8 finger licking snacks  that will fulfill your craving without pushing that daily calorie count for they are all under 100 calories!

1. Cinnamon flavoured Yoghurt and Honey: Take ½ a cup of low-fat yoghurt (remember, you need to avoid those cals), and sprinkle some cinnamon powder and a dash of honey. Honey and cinnamon help to treat cough disorders as well owing to their anti-inflammatory properties.


2. Tropical fruit smoothie: Blend in ¼ th cup of pineapple, orange and apple juice with some ice to make delicious and low cal smoothie.


3. Poached egg: Poaching instead of frying eggs will make a significant change in your calorie count. Check out the  video recipe on how to make poached eggs here.


4. Popcorn : Not the popcorns laden with caramel. 2 cups air filled popcorn with a drizzle of oil.


5. Apple- Cinnamon baked chips:  Slice up the humble apple with some cinnamon sprinkling and bake it. You can drizzle some honey over the top, or enjoy as it is as.


6. Pistachios: 1 kernel. 4 calories. 25 kernels of pistachios. Recipe for a super mid-meal snack!

17. Cucumber salad: Slice up one large cucumber with some slices of onion and dress up with a little apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.


8. Pumpkin seeds: Take 2 tbsp pumpkin seeds and drizzled in little oil with salt and bake at 400 0 for 15 mins.


Have a delicious time and you can thank us later!













Visit nutritionist, PGD, M.Sc Dietitics & Nutrition, 4+ years experience

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