The holiday season especially the weeks that comprise Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years brings on a cheerful mood to many. For the rest of us, it is the worst time of the year. The holidays may bring a host of stressful experiences like anxiety, depression, insomnia, headache, gastrointestinal problems, conflicts with family members etc.

Tips to get over post holiday blues :

  • Do not overindulge

For most of us, holidays and vacations are an easy excuse to devour everything that is set on the table without monitoring the intake. Go easy on the holiday gourmet treats, keep your caffeine, nicotine and sugars in check. Regular exercise will keep stress at bay. Try to get adequate sleep. Plan things ahead of schedule to avoid last minute hassles.

  • Look for different ways to celebrate

One does not always need to spend Christmas at home. You can skip the traditional home Turkey  for a wholesome lunch at a local restaurant or by going to the movies with your extended family. Get your folks to give holiday presents a miss and donate the entire sum to a charity instead.

  • Don’t sweat the small stuff

Stop stressing if you forgot to put the lights up this year. So what if you did not remove the fancy china plates for dinner? Give it a break. Fretting over these small things will only add to the worry.

  • If you need help, ask

Ask a family member to help in cooking. Invite your cousins and friends over to take over the shopping list. Look if your partner or spouse can help you with the curtains this year. You may get more help than you’ve asked for.

  • Help others

Holiday season can be a bereft time for the not so fortunate people. This is a great opportunity to play real life Santa to them by volunteering in organizations, helping in fundraisers, churches, nursing homes etc. You will also have someone to talk to and they in turn would earn a friend for life.

  • Look out for lonely seniors

You will be surprised at the number of elderly people that are left out during the healthy holidays. These are often without any family or friends or have been estranged by their loved ones. This year pledge to make them smile.

  • Take a break

Cut yourself some slack. Do not be too harsh on yourself. The holiday blues give an added sense of being imperfect, of being too critical and extremely unhappy of the things one should otherwise be proud of. Afterall,  holiday seasons are a time of forgiveness and kindness, save some for yourself as well.

Use the holidays to spread happiness and above all, go easy on yourself.

If you are coping with depression or if you need tips on how to overcome stress and depression, call our psychologist or psychiatrist for free on Visitapp.

Read more :   Eating ‘magic mushrooms’ can help ease depression in cancer patients.




General physician, MBBS,8+ years experience

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